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     Indiana County Area Society for Human Resource Management (ICASHRM)

     Membership Information

    We are excited about your interest in the Indiana County Area Society for Human Resource Management (ICASHRM) organization. You are welcomed to contact us with any questions or complete a Membership Form to join today!

    Regular Membership -  Eligibility includes at least one of the following: Human Resource Professionals who devote at least 50% of their time to personnel, human resources or industrial relations; full time Human Resource Management Consultants; Business Owners who hold full responsibility for the Human Resource function; Faculty members holding assistant, associate, or full professorial rank in Human Resource Management or any of its specialized functions at an accredited College or University; and/or full time Attorneys who counsel and advise management Clients on matters relating to the Human Resource Profession.

    Associate Members - Individuals who do not meet the regular member category, but who demonstrate a bona fide interest in human resource management and the mission of the Organization. Associate members may vote, hold office, and serve on committees.

    Retired Members - Individuals who are retired from active employment, but met one of the criteria for membership as defined above. Retired members may vote, hold office and serve on committees.

    Student Members ‐ Individuals who are actively enrolled in human resource degree programs at the college or university level. Student members may not vote or hold office, but may serve on committees.

    Membership Term – The membership year is from January 1 – December 31 and includes admission to all chapter meetings. All memberships are individual memberships and are non‐transferable. A non‐member may attend one monthly membership meeting during one (1) program year as a guest of a member in good standing. Any additional meetings as a guest will be charged a fee $25.00 per meeting, payable on entry to the meeting.

    Information obtained through ICASHRM-related membership and activities are for general informational purposes only and are not intended as legal advice for any specific situation. Advice from legal counsel should be obtained on the basis of the specifics of a particular matter.

    Membership Dues* include meal and attendance at monthly chapter meeting. 

    January - December Membership
    Associate, Regular or Retired: $155.00 (check payment discount: $150.00)
    Student: No cost

    July - December Membership
    Associate, Regular or Retired: $80.00 (check payment discount: $75.00)
    Student: No cost

    $25.00 per Meeting (Fee waived one time for a Potential Member or Guest)

    *Special events may incur an additional charge

    Click here for the 2024 ICASHRM Membership Form.  Membership forms must be submitted via mail (not through the wesbite) as shown our on membership application. Dues can be paid online through PayPal at

    Meeting Day/Time/Location

    Please reference the Meetings & Events tab.