Event Details
January Chapter Meeting - Installation of Officers and presentation on "Developing a Comprehensive & Compliant Wellness Strategy"
Date: | January 24, 2014, 11:30am – 1:00pm |
Location: | St. Andrews Village - Bristol Court Dining Room |
Price: | No charge to chapter members or first time guests; $25.00 non-members payable on entry |
Event Type: | Meeting |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
What is the worth of a healthy and productive workforce? Can any American business afford to ignore the impact a workforce in declining health will have on their competitiveness in an increasingly global economy?
Employers have long struggled with how to meaningfully impact the health of their employees. “Wellness” programs, if they have been offered at all, have traditionally been voluntary and generally see low levels of participation. Stand-alone programs, usually offered through the current health insurance carrier, are rarely effective. To be successful, employers must develop a comprehensive long-term strategy that includes nearly universal participation, creates accountability, and produces substantial positive and sustainable results.
For the past several years, employers have had the HIPAA Wellness Rules to guide them in the development and implementation of incentives to gain participation in their wellness initiatives and ultimately reward positive health status outcomes. PPACA has codified these rules and made some important changes to them. Understanding these rules and the opportunities they create for employers is crucial to the success of any strategic wellness plan.
Doug Moore, a Principal with Seubert & Associates, will explain these rules and how employers can structure their strategy to comply with them. He will share the experiences of some employers who have already implemented effective wellness incentive programs as part of their overall strategy.
To learn more about January's speaker, view his bio here.
**This session is HRCI certification pending.
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