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    Using Appreciative Inquiry for Strategic Planning

    Date: May 20, 2022, 11:30am
    Free for Chapter Members, Free for First Time Guests,. $25.00 for Returning Guests
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    Deborah Spring Laurel is a workplace learning and performance improvement trainer and consultant. She has forty years of experience as the President of Laurel and Associates, Ltd., a certified woman-owned small business that specializes in enhancing interpersonal dynamics within organizations.

    As the Founder and Director of The Peer Learning Institute, she also helps managers develop the interpersonal and management skills they need to increase employee engagement, productivity, and retention.

    Deborah worked in human resources for the State of Wisconsin for 15 years. She taught management and supervisory topics for the Executive Management Institute and the Small Business Development Center in the School of Business at University of Wisconsin-Madison for over thirty years.

    For fifteen years, she designed curricula and/or conducted train-the-trainer programs and certified trainers for the: U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Agency for International Development (in Nigeria, Jordan, Kenya and Zambia); United Nations Industrial Development Organization; Jordan Civil Society Program (Jordan); Mercy Corps (Jordan); International Center for Biosaline Agriculture (Dubai, U.A.E.); federal Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency; Microfinance Corporation (Poland); federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Genentech, Inc.; national American Society for Training and Development; and Open Society Institute of Soros Foundation (Croatia).

    Deborah also consulted with J.J. Strossmeyer University in Osijek, Croatia over a period of four years to design the first Eastern European participant-based master’s degree program in Entrepreneurship.

    Deborah is a member of the Greater Madison Area-SHRM. She is also a member of the Association for Talent Development- Madison Area Chapter, where as President, she successfully used appreciative inquiry in their strategic planning effort. She is published in the 2004-2013 Training and Consulting issues of the Pfeiffer Annuals. She has her master’s degree from UW-Madison.


    **Pending SHRM and HRCI Credits