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    April ICASHRM Chapter meeting

    Date: April 10, 2025, 8:30am
    Saint Andrews Village-- 1155 Indian Springs Road, Indiana, PA 15701
    Bristol Court
    Free for Chapter Members, first time guests, and students. $25.00 for returning guests.
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    Please join us on Thursday, April 10th, at 8:30 am for our April ICASHRM Chapter Meeting.  We are excited to welcome our next Speaker, Tammy Manko!

    Tammy's Bio: As the executive director of IUP’s career center and the owner of MeaningfulLife, LLC, Dr. Tammy Manko is an award-winning higher education professional with experience and expertise in the areas of body language/communication, professional networking, relationship building, leadership, career readiness, etiquette, positivity, change management, customer service, and various professional development topics. She holds a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, a master’s degree in Higher Education Administration, a bachelor’s degree in English, is a lifelong learner, and enjoys reading and sharing knowledge.

    She’s delivered presentations to various organizations/conferences, from the American Medical Association, Indiana Regional Medical Center, Affinity Health Services, and UPMC, to various Society for Human Resource Management associations, various school districts and classes, the Club Management Association of America, Federated Hermes, AAA East Central, Leybold USA, the American Dairy Association North East, the Western PA College Success Roundtable, Carnegie Mellon University, Penn State University, and many other universities and organizations of all sizes.

    Tammy and her husband have three sons and one grandson -- two sons are graduates of IUP and one son is a graduate of Mercyhurst University. She enjoys time with family and friends, working out, writing, reading, learning, public speaking (no surprise there!), and traveling. She also appreciates engagement on social media (@TPManko)!   

    Presentation Title for April: Mastering Public Speaking: Overcoming Fear & Manifesting Confidence & Composure

    Summary of Presentation for April: Speaking in public can seem daunting, but mastering the art of delivery is a game changer for personal and professional growth. This transformative session focuses on empowering participants to overcome the fear of public speaking and step into their true potential as effective presenters and communicators. Participants will learn practical strategies to manage presentation and meeting anxiety, develop a confident mindset, and refine their speaking presence. Attendees will leave with takeaways to captivate their audience, convey messages with clarity, and present themselves with poise in any situation.


    **Pending SHRM & HRCI credits