2014 President's Letter - Welcome back and Happy New Year!
Are you ready to kick off a great, new year with ICASHRM?
With the first full work week of 2014 under our belts, we are all back in the saddle and ready to tackle great things for 2014, both at work and in our ICASHRM Chapter. Your ICASHRM leadership has many new faces and fresh ideas for this year and your new Board of Directors, as shown on our 2014 Board of Directors Tab, is excited to see you at this month's chapter meeting on January 24, 2014. More details on the meeting are shown on our Meetings and Events tab.
As your incoming President, I want to thank you for your vote of confidence in me as President of the Indiana County Area SHRM and representative to the Pennsylvania State Council of SHRM. I'm honored to represent you and our chapter and welcome your ideas on how we can grow our chapter, develop our members and better serve our Indiana County Area businesses and community. My direct contact information is on our Board of Director's tab or you can message me through LinkedIn.
In other news - Our 2014 Membership Drive is underway!, with our Application and Invoice located here. As always, our membership dues include 9 chapter meetings, most of which are typically HRCI certified - some meetings with exciting prizes and all meetings as an excellent way for you to network and grow your career. This year we will introduce two new concepts, one a series of themed speakers, and the other, a Membership Card to help incent your membership and devotion to the HR field and our chapter. More details on our speaker series and Membership Card will be discussed at our January Chapter meeting.
Please be sure to renew your ICASHRM membership by January 31, 2014. Bring your application and payment to our January Chapter meeting or drop it in the mail to continue to receive all of our membership benefits.
Please make note of our new P.O. Box Mailing Address on the application. Also new this year, your Secretary, Julie, will be trying out 'Meeting Wizard' to announce and accept RSVP's for our monthly chapter meetings. If you don't receive an email the week of January 12 announcing this month's meeting, please check your Junk Mail to ensure the meeting annoucement isn't waiting for you there. If it is, you will need to add the incoming email address to your safe sender list to receive the 'Meeting Wizard' emails in the future months.
Cheers to a great new year and looking forward to seeing you on January 24 at St. Andrew's Village!
~ Beth Shearer, SPHR, WLCP
President, ICASHRM