The Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania (WEDnetPA) provides two categories of grants to manufacturers and technology-based businesses, Essential Skills (
News Archives
October 14, 2014
September 8, 2014
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has awarded the Indiana County Area Society for Human Resources Management the Excel Gold Award for 2013.
June 15, 2014Don't forget to register for the Annual Legal and Legislative Conference on May 2, 2014.
March 13, 2014Please read the important news and announcements for the Week of February 24th, 2014:
February 26, 2014Here are several more announcements & information pieces for our chapter members:
February 14, 2014- Membership renewals & payment are due by Friday, February 21st (they can also be brought with you to the chapter meeting, also 2/21.
February 3, 2014- New from our friends at Cambria Somerset Human Resources Association!
January 24, 2014Are you ready to kick off a great, new year with ICASHRM?
January 13, 2014- The Penn State University School of Employment Relations, Academy of Human Capital Development will be offering a professional development workshop on HR’s Role in Creating
January 11, 2014