Week of January 6 News Annoucements
- The Penn State University School of Employment Relations, Academy of Human Capital Development will be offering a professional development workshop on HR’s Role in Creating Sustainable Competitive Advantage on January 24 from 8 am- 5 pm at the Penn Stater Inn and Conference Center. This workshop is designed to address the professional development needs of HR Practitioners. Please click here to find out the details.
The workshop has been requested to be approved by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) and that participants earn 7 recertification credits toward their PHR, SPHR or GPHR. A block of rooms has been set aside at the Penn Stater Inn and Conference Center at a special rate for participants. Please use Group Code COLA14D. Since there are a limited number of rooms in the block, you will want to act quickly.
This is a great opportunity to enhance your knowledge and skills, earn HRCI recertification credits and visit the University Park Campus.
- HR Consultants, Inc. in Johnstown is hosting a workshop at the JARI Business Development Center on February 19, 2014. The topic is Supervisors: Key Skills for A Key Role. Click here to learn more about this workshop and to register.
- The DeGarmo Group has announced that the majority of their HRCI pre-approved sessions will be free in 2014. The full list of their webcasts is available here. If you are seeking PHR & SPHR credits, please be sure to check out the link. The first topic is Understanding & Identifying Person-Job Fit.