2016 President's Letter - ICASHRM New Year, New Faces
As we welcome in the new year - we are excited to have two new officers officialy join our Board, and to see new faces on our Board of Directors and at our recent conference!
Please join me in welcoming Kristen Graf as our new President Elect and Reba Johnson as our new Secretary. We will hold officer inductions at this month's first chapter meeting on January 22, 2016 and welcome many new chapter members, so we hope to see you there.
Registration is now open for 2016 with some great news to share with you - we have reduced pricing for 2016! As always, our membership dues include admittance and meal at all chapter meetings with most meetings typically HRCI certified and SHRM certified.
Thanks to your Board's diligence in reducing expenses - our 2016 pricing is:
- Regular and Associate Members - $125.00 annually
- 3 or more Regular membership applications from the same company can join for $100.00 each annually provided all applications are received and paid together.
DON'T FORGET! First time members that attended our 2015 ICASHRM COnference also receive 10% Regular or Associate Member pricing. *10% discount not eligible to be combined with reduced 3 or more rate desrcibed above.
- Student Memberships - Free attendance at monthly chapter meetings provided enrollment in HR degree program and active membership and participation in IUP SHRM Graduate or Undergraduate Chapters.
- Non-members can attend their first meeting free of charge; Additional meetings for non-members are $25.00 each payable to the door to ICASHRM.
Please be sure to renew your ICASHRM membership by January 31, 2016. Application and payment found here - bring along to our January Chapter meeting or drop it in the mail to continue to receive all of our membership benefits.
Our programming schedule is set for most of the year, with updates being made weekly to our few pending events. Full details on the meeting dates and topics shown on our Meetings and Events tab. We will continue to have prize giveaways at chapter meetings, and explore outside networking outside chapter meetings at both social events and for charity causes
We look forward to welcoming you each back for another great year with ICASHRM on January 22 for lunch at St. Andrew's Village!
~ Beth Fleek, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
President, ICASHRM